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About Us

Meet The Moms

Wecome to The Lazy Mom Diaries.  We are two real moms, living real lives, dealing with real struggles and parenting real children and we wouldn't have it any other way. 


Who doesn't love reading blogs written by perfect moms with their perfect homes and their perfect children and their Pinterest-esque lives? It's certainly a guilty pleasure of mine -- but sometimes they just make me feel downright guilty. Here at The Lazy Mom Diaries, we will share DIY ideas that you can actually do-yourself, parenting tips that are practical, ideas to make real life easier, and most importantly, honest perspectives from real moms, just like you. 




Kerri Sullivan
Founder of The Lazy Mom Diaries, Mommy Blogger


Mommy of an adorable two year old boy, with another baby boy due to make his big debut this summer.  I find mothering boys to be perfectly suited to my personality as "mess" and "chaos" are perfectly fine with me. Plus, I hate when little people do my hair.  Luckily for you, I’m too lazy to do the dishes so I crawled over a pile of laundry and Legos and now I’m here to ramble about daily life, motherhood and organization & cleaning ideas I find on Pinterest but often never get around to (oops – here’s to tomorrow!) Come procrastinate with us!



Ashley Sullivan
Mommy Blogger


 Proud Mumma-Bear to a one-and-a-half year old little lady and one more dame due in March. I always have an organized mess in my "humble" abode, but I am confident one of these days the multiple Pinterest boards I have dedicated to healthy living and organizing small living spaces might just bring everything together. I like to think I offer an honest, self-aware approach to things. For example, as an Earthy-Crunchy-Wanna-Be, I tried cloth diapers with my first daughter and that lasted all of one diaper change... but they make great cleaning rags. I try my best to prescribe to an all natural, yuppie lifestle... but everyday I get closer and closer to buying a microwave.






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